• + 852-52361130
  • hello@arch-enroute.com
  • Hong Kong
Sally Tse

Sally Tse

Yin Yoga to restore Yin Yang Balance
  • Position : Director
  • Workshop Type:Yin Yoga
  • Email : stsett@yahoo.com
  • Biography:Sally is a certified Yin yoga, meditation and E-RYT 200 yoga teacher with years of teaching studio group, private classes and public events. She believes yoga is not only about asana practice but the wisdom of how we live. She is also a Lululemon ambassador.
  • Workshop description and benefits :A relaxing and nourishing session which applies wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, breathing techniques and grounding Yin yoga postures, to help resuming balance, softness and lightness inside out.

Our 2021 facilitators to inspire leaders and entrepreneurs on consciousness

Since COVID-19, everyone on the globe have more time to think about our relationship with the earth, the planet, the nature. We spend more time with ourselves and trying out to figure out the unsolved mystery of self identity and life purpose in the world. We, believe in consciousness, will help our mind curate meaningful and impactful projects and businesses for our community. To be a better being, for a better world.