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  • Hong Kong
Ambikha Devi

Ambikha Devi

Evolutionary Dance ( Returning back to Essence)
  • Position : Ambikha Wholistics Pause Studio
  • Workshop Type:Healing Breathwork, Conscious Dance, Shamanic Drumming
  • Email : ambikhadevi@yahoo.com
  • Biography:Ambikha Devi is an internationally recognized with her teachings and offering From Asia, Europe, and the US. And studied with many Masters and Gurus in many Healing Modalities. teachings, sharing her wisdom and offerings as she begins her healing journey 22 years ago. She travels the world from Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the USA extensively for the last 10 years to teach collaborate with different Masters, Gurus, teachers, space holders, change makers, Different communities around the world To share her medicine. Her offerings are always founded in Meditation, Conscious Breath and Movement, Energy work, Theraphy, Sound Healing, and Bhakti. She holds a Master Degree in Yogic Science In Manonmaniam Sundarar University in Tamil Nadu, India, where her Journey with Yoga begun, The beginning of her Healing journey. Ambikha’s passion for Dance and Conscious Movement lead her to birth her own Creatrix of Dance called Evolutionary Dance. It’s a collection of all of her 22 years of healing Journey, awakening and self exploration through Yoga, Qigong, Conscious Dance, Somatic Bodywork, Breathwork and Theraphy.. then she weaved them into a Dance. As for her Life is a Dance..! Evolutionary Dance is a process of Evolution through Dance, like the process of Metamorphosis to a butterfly. When Ambikha is not traveling, HK is here base currently and continue to offer her offering to the Wellness Community in HK, with same love and passion. Working deeply with women and being a Guide into their Evolutionary process. Ambikha leads workshops and retreats around the world with her husband Francesco Garri Garripoli helping others explore self-healing and true inner peace. Learn more on Facebook at: Ambika Devi Karma Yoga
  • Workshop description and benefits :This workshop is an invitation for you to experience returning back into your Essence.. through Conscious Dance Exploration..using the body as the vehicle for the Evolutionary Process...to travel and explore your Inner Tapestry...We used the the movement as a vehicle..to break open the shell of our being..then from this place of openness A light can enter..the Light of Awareness.. that shines brilliantly into the centre that is your Essence.. In this Dance..Were going break all barriers, Dogma, Conditioning, limiting core belief, and all the barriers that we created around our hearts and so called the Self.. that is not allowing us to feel and expand and to explore our potentiality...of the truth of who you are..and that is our True Essence. And then we will catch our selves ..after we break open..to gather all the dimension of ourselves into a nourishing healing breathwork..There will be Shamanic Drumming..to facilitate the Returning process..into Our Essence..as the remembrance of our connection to Nature, Life, Existence itself..The participants will walk away with a feeling of greater expansiveness.. Awakening..breakthroughs.. knowing life purpose..heart opening to Love..Aliveness..and Inner Peace...

Our 2021 facilitators to inspire leaders and entrepreneurs on consciousness

Since COVID-19, everyone on the globe have more time to think about our relationship with the earth, the planet, the nature. We spend more time with ourselves and trying out to figure out the unsolved mystery of self identity and life purpose in the world. We, believe in consciousness, will help our mind curate meaningful and impactful projects and businesses for our community. To be a better being, for a better world.