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  • hello@arch-enroute.com
  • Hong Kong
Joe Pan / Jaki Faulkner

Joe Pan / Jaki Faulkner

Fireside Panel with Audience Q&A
  • Company:ImpactNFT Alliance
  • Workshop Type:ImpactNFTs for Environmental & Social Justice
  • BioJacqueline is a communications and media professional, with over 15 years Editorial, Writing, Media and PR experience. She has a diverse skill set in developing content, managing business relationships, corporate communications and events. She also possesses a strong talent for establishing rapport across an international client base. Jacqueline is currently active within sustainability and healthy food events across Hong Kong, including a monthly vegan potluck, organic tea tasting sessions, and she plans and runs workshops at a local permaculture farm. Previously to living in Asia, Jacqueline spent almost a decade with BBC London, working across various departments. She liaised with in-house and external press and media, edited and preserved archive collections, planned budgets and drafted legal contracts. She trained and supported producers, researchers and journalists, sourced contributors and verified facts to broadcast critical deadlines and negotiated copyright issues.
  • Workshop description and benefits :The ImpactNFT Alliance presents a new standard designed to fund positive social, cultural, sustainable development or environmental impact, representing digital assets for recording and enumerating impact actions in the physical world. A proof of stake or negligible carbon minting process, ensures that a token is environmentally considerate and may even be climate positive. Impact NFT's are designed to fund positive social or environmental impact, as digital assets for impact investing. The NFTs can act as a verifiable certificate on the blockchain, confirming funding is provided to a social or environmental cause, and which can then be reported on to relevant stakeholders and concerned parties.

Our 2021 facilitators to inspire leaders and entrepreneurs on consciousness

Since COVID-19, everyone on the globe have more time to think about our relationship with the earth, the planet, the nature. We spend more time with ourselves and trying out to figure out the unsolved mystery of self identity and life purpose in the world. We, believe in consciousness, will help our mind curate meaningful and impactful projects and businesses for our community. To be a better being, for a better world.