• + 852-52361130
  • hello@arch-enroute.com
  • Hong Kong
Rhiann Suen

Rhiann Suen

Womb Healing Circle
  • Company:Womb Awakening HK
  • Email:rhiannsuen@gmail.com
  • Workshop Type:Healing Circle with sound and movement
  • BioRhiann Suen is a yoga instructor, womb wellness facilitator, yoni steaming facilitator, menstrual cycle mentor, holistic pelvic health facilitator, trauma-informed and holistic somatic shamanic healing practitioner. Her intention is to guide womben to deeply connect with their inner womb wisdom, to live in cyclical alignment with their womb cycles, to reclaim their body sovereignty and inner authority, and to walk the empowered path of truly knowing themselves.
  • Workshop description and benefits :On December 4th, New Moon in Sagittarius, calling sisters to gather at this Womb Healing Circle - A deep dive into the womb healing and womb awakening journey. The path of feminine reclamation and remembrance of the sacredness and wholeness already within you. Rhiann will guide you to descend into the deepest part of your feminine root – your womb, to bridge the unseen realms where feelings and memories are held within and truly feel it all. That we may thank them, release them and allow the flow again. This healing circle will be a journey of sacred heart-womb-throat activation, breathwork, feminine embodied movement, womb healing codes transmissions.

Our 2021 facilitators to inspire leaders and entrepreneurs on consciousness

Since COVID-19, everyone on the globe have more time to think about our relationship with the earth, the planet, the nature. We spend more time with ourselves and trying out to figure out the unsolved mystery of self identity and life purpose in the world. We, believe in consciousness, will help our mind curate meaningful and impactful projects and businesses for our community. To be a better being, for a better world.