Number Reading & Energy Healing, a peek to your life path
Company:No.1 Hollywood Art Platform Chu’s Gallery.
Workshop Type:Workshop
Bio:Sally Chu practise as an healer who has gained much experience and skills in the daily Management of the Buddha Gallery which was founded over 25 years in Hong Kong. She likes people, and have the patience to guide them in making choices and working on a variety of projects such as meditation classes and personal coaching... She collaborate with masters of different cultures. Connecting with holly people along her spiritual journey in different places... Tarot Card / number reading & energy healing is her specialty . Buddha Gallery, No.1 Hollywood Road, Hong Kong. Competencies : Fluent Mandarin, Cantonese, English
Our 2021 facilitators to inspire leaders and entrepreneurs on consciousness
Since COVID-19, everyone on the globe have more time to think about our relationship with the earth, the planet, the nature. We spend more time with ourselves and trying out to figure out the unsolved mystery of self identity and life purpose in the world.
We, believe in consciousness, will help our mind curate meaningful and impactful projects and businesses for our community. To be a better being, for a better world.