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Presencense Business Type:incense Booth description :incense products / crystals Our 2021 facilitators to inspire leaders and entrepreneurs on consciousness Since COVID-19, everyone on the globe have more time to think about our relationship with the earth, the planet, the nature. We spend more time with ourselves and trying out to figure out the unsolved mystery of self identity and life…


IZEN UNIVERSE Business Type:Art and holistic wellness, NFT related Booth description :Hemp lifestyle sharing (powered by Heavens Please) Our 2021 facilitators to inspire leaders and entrepreneurs on consciousness Since COVID-19, everyone on the globe have more time to think about our relationship with the earth, the planet, the nature. We spend more time with ourselves and trying out to figure…


Paloma Plant-based Little Bites Company:Paloma’s Kitchen Workshop Type:Plant-based Little Bites BioPaloma’s daily practice with food is an intuitive one of developing inner knowing, tuning into what the body calls for in the moment in order to create intentional, healing food. With roots in Hong Kong, Switzerland, France, and the U.S., Paloma’s influences are from different cultures, she’s most drawn to…

Gilbert Lee, Cally Leung, Phoebe Lam

Gilbert Lee, Cally Leung, Phoebe Lam Bamboo Play Workshop Company:Impact Partners HK – Bamboo Generations 滿竹跨世代 Workshop Type:Experiential BioPassionate Team Workshop description and benefits :Play with Bamboo (Nature’s Gift) to create Consciousness with Ourselves, the Society and the Planet. Our 2021 facilitators to inspire leaders and entrepreneurs on consciousness Since COVID-19, everyone on the globe have more time to think…

Amanda Sun /Katrina Raimann

Amanda Sun /Katrina Raimann Textile performance art Company:Arts for Good Foundation Workshop Type:Artist workshop BioArts for Good Foundation is an impact-driven social enterprise in arts education for students aged 9+ from polarised and culturally divided communities. The Foundation envisions fostering social inclusion for our future generations through the soft power of arts in Hong Kong. Through arts educational programmes, their…

Museek Studio

Museek Studio New Intention Company:Museek Stuido Workshop Type:Live concert Kawa's BioA seeker in life through music and sound. Muiti-instruments player (Indian bansuri, Shakuhachi, Frame drum, Jawharp, Throat singing, Guitar, Piano..) Well reconised in playing meditative music for concerts, sound bath/yoga/mindfulness sessions by acoustic instruments. Who believe touching music is through playing in present, and by mindful listening one can bring…

Rhiann Suen

Rhiann Suen Womb Healing Circle Company:Womb Awakening HK Email:rhiannsuen@gmail.com Workshop Type:Healing Circle with sound and movement BioRhiann Suen is a yoga instructor, womb wellness facilitator, yoni steaming facilitator, menstrual cycle mentor, holistic pelvic health facilitator, trauma-informed and holistic somatic shamanic healing practitioner. Her intention is to guide womben to deeply connect with their inner womb wisdom, to live in cyclical…

Jason Yuen

Jason Yuen Natural Propolis Therapy, live better! Position:Product Manager of PROPOLIA HONG KONG Company:Propolia®️ Workshop Type:Seminar ( speak in cantonese with english Presentation) BioAbout the brand: Propolia®️ is originated from south of France, our company has established for over 40 years. Company is also known as “French Propolis Formulation Specialist” in France. Their products are peculiarly formulated with valuable &…

Jaki Faulkner

Joe Pan / Jaki Faulkner Fireside Panel with Audience Q&A Company:ImpactNFT Alliance Workshop Type:ImpactNFTs for Environmental & Social Justice BioJacqueline is a communications and media professional, with over 15 years Editorial, Writing, Media and PR experience. She has a diverse skill set in developing content, managing business relationships, corporate communications and events. She also possesses a strong talent for establishing…

Merinna Chan

陳朝霞 GAIA大自然初心舞動。芳療花草。心田間 Company:懷樸園 Workshop Type:大自然療癒(五感正念靜心、芳療舞蹈、大自然藝術創作) Bio曾在台灣宜蘭泰雅原住民部落經歷半年大地療癒,後透過種植幾千呎的有機園地,為不同本土組織,包括田嘢、2BeGuru和社企植創園等單位,透過五感情意自然教育,正念靜心,推動人與自然的共生關係。 「正念社交情緒學習」正念導師 鄕師自然學校「師‧法‧自然 — 教師啟導課程」導師 臼井藏傳靈氣療癒師 心像術- 療癒與淨化情緒導師 天使療法諮詢師 Workshop description and benefits :地球母親經歷過無限的循環與更新,她的愛孕育著萬物。 在GAIA旅程中,朝霞將引領參加者傾聽,原樸深刻的大自然療癒力量。 在充滿本土有機芳香花草環繞下,連結大地,傾聽頌砵和自然唱詠;再透過茶禪、舞蹈和彩繪,與大自然深觀對話; 你將體會日月星河,也在我們的心田間;並動手製作花草曼陀羅,以天地禮讚作結。(以廣東話作語言媒介) Our 2021 facilitators to inspire leaders and entrepreneurs on consciousness Since COVID-19, everyone on the globe have more time to think about our relationship with the earth, the planet, the nature. We spend more time with ourselves and…